Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why do we lose hair? how to prevent hair loss?

Why prevent it? I started losing my hair when I was 21 , and for me it's not a problem. I think that it's pathetic when you see men trying to hide he fact that they are bald, simply by combing over their last few remaining strands. If you're going bald, accept it, there's more important things to worry about.Why do we lose hair? how to prevent hair loss?
hair has a life cycle. New cycle grows in new pushing out old. Not much can be done to prevent that. However it can be prevented if breakage...keep in top conditionWhy do we lose hair? how to prevent hair loss?
there is a pill for alipecia and apparently you can also take it even if you dont have alepecia and it makes your hair grow thicker etc
Just say NO to waxing.
You lose around 200 hairs a day, it might be under stress, age or a medical condition, if your worried go to the doctor and don't be ashamed its very common
wash it in haggis juice
Male and female pattern baldness are genetics. There's not much that can be done to stop them, but there are plenty of remedies to slow them down. There are topical solutions such as Rogaine/minoxidil that you apply directly on the scalp. There are also prescription pills that you ingest (Propecia). Still, there are kits that you can use to nourish the scalp such as Nioxin and Hairobics. To me, the most intriguing treatment are the laser hair combs. These products have been reviewed in this Dateline NBC video report. The results are encouraging --

Other types of hair loss comes from disease/infection, traumatic stress to the body (i.e. chemotherapy), and hormonal changes (i.e. pregnancy). Hair typically grows back from these type of causes.
poor circulation can result in hair loss. Stay as fit and healthy as you can to reduce the effects as much as possible
its called having kids, they make you to stressed thus causing loss of hair...
Take lots of iron! It's better to take balance Iron complex from health food store than straightforward iron tablets or tonic 'cos that makes you constipated and messes up your liver after a while. good luck!
wash it in ale lad... if yers put the plug in yer can drink it too..
Hair loss it natural, most people lose a few strands every day from brushing or shampooing, if your like me and straighten it to within an inch of your life then you get loads falling out. I think you can buy treatments from Boots to help your hair to grow, they cost about 拢20-25
we all loose hair every day from brushing,washing etc.however if you are suffering from severe hair loss and are not happy with it there are some things on the market.regaine is a lotion you apply but its exspensive and can have differing results for each person some just get a wispy hair growth and once you stop using it it drops out,there is a herbal tablet called neurkrin which again varies from people to people that too is exspensive but is an option.propecia tablets can be given on private prescription by your doctor but again works out at about 30 to 40 pounds for a months cant get this on an nhs prescription.i only know this i work in a pharmacy these products have helped some people but not everyone and there is no magic cure.good luck!
You need to be carfle about what shampoo you use. Some shampoo is the problem to hair loss. Also if you wear hats to much that could also make hair loss.
just let nature take it,s course there,s loads of great hats out there treat yourself

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